Published Work
“Justin Fields’ NFL Draft 2021 rank is a teachable moment” — NBC Think
“How a Smartphone Can Help You Cope With Epilepsy” — Wired
“Sick people shouldn't have to put on a brave face; they need brave people” — The Independent
“Reimagining The Third Door Following an Epilepsy Diagnosis” — Living Well With Epilepsy
“Four Sleep Strategies That Work” — Living Well With Epilepsy
Features and Speaking Engagements
What the EF podcast - a place to share, cry, and laugh at all our epilepsy WTF moments
Steps Toward Zero: Honest Conversations with Jennifer Reyes
Steps Toward Zero: Honest Conversations with Jared Muscat
Steps Toward Zero: Honest Conversations, moderator — EpiCon National Conference
“Dating in the Dark: Navigating Epilepsy and Toxic Positivity While Looking for Love” — EpiCon National Conference
“Epilepsy community says Chicago Bears’ Justin Fields revealing his condition is a landmark moment” — Chicago Tribune
Eysz Fireside Chat — Eysz, Inc.
How to Find the Funny — General Assembly
Works in Progress
My Brain Tumor’s Boyfriend - a funny memoir about acute and chronic illness